Symbolset Mobile-Application SVG
Dieses Set enthält 497 unterschiedliche Symbole in den Größen:
Bitte wählen sie die gewünschte Farbe aus.
- 16x16
- 24x24
- 32x32
- 48x48
- 128x128
- 256x256
Bitte wählen sie die gewünschte Farbe aus.
Alle Symbole haben einen transparenten Hintergrund.
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add reminder-wf-, add user-, add-, admin-, adress book-01-, adress book-02-, adress book-03-, airplane mode-wf-, alarm clock-wf-, alarm-clock-, align left_01-wf-, align left-wf-, apps-, archive01-wf-, archive02-wf-, archive-, attach-wf-, audio disk-wf-, audio-disk-, backward01-wf-, backward-wf-, back-wf-, battery saver-wf-, battery-charging-, battery-low-, bin-, bin-wf-, bluetooth-, bluetooth-wf-, board-pin-, bold-, bookmark-, bookmark-wf-, boxed checkbox - 01-, boxed checkbox - 02-, boxed checkbox - 03-, boxed checkbox - 04-, boxed checkbox - 05-, boxed checkbox - 06-, boxed mail -01-, boxed mail -02-, boxed mail -03-, boxed ok-, branch - 01-, branch - 02-, branch - 03-, briefcase-wf-, bright - 01-, bright - 03-, bright -02-, brightness-wf-, bullets-wf-, burn-disk-, calendar_1-wf-, calendar-01-, calendar01-wf-, calendar-02-, calendar02-wf-, calendar-date-01-, calendar-date-02-, calendar-date-03-, calendar-date-04-, camera -01-, camera -02-, camera -03-, camera-05-, camera-, camera-wf-, cancel-, car-wf-, chat - 01-, chat - 02-, chat - 03-, chat - add-, chat - attach-, chat - cancel-, chat - delete-, chat - down-, chat - end-, chat - favourites-, chat - group-, chat - info-, chat - link-, chat - locked-, chat - love-, chat - next-01-, chat - next-02-, chat - next-03-, chat - none-, chat - ok-, chat - personal-, chat - previous - 01-, chat - previous - 02-, chat - previous - 03-, chat - quotes-, chat - remove-, chat - start-, chat - up-, chat - user -01-, chat - user add -01-, chat - user delete - 01-, chat - user remove-, chat - user-, chat - video-, chat-01-wf-, chat-02-wf-, chat-, check box-, check list-wf-, check-box-, circle add -01-, circle add -03-, circle add -04-, circle block-, circle close - 01-, circle close - 02-, circle info - 01-, circle info - 02-, circle next-, circle ok - 01-, circle ok - 02-, circle pause-, circle previous-, circle remove - 02-, circle remove -01-, circle stop-, circledcheck box - 01-, circledmail-, clear all formating-, close-, close-wf-, cloud rain-wf-, cloud sun01-wf-, cloud sun02-wf-, cloud-cyclone-, cloud-overcast-, cloud-rain-, cloud-snow-, cloud-sun-, cloud-swirl-, cloud-thunder-, command-redo-, command-refresh-, command-undo-, compass-, compass-wf-, conference-call-, contact list-wf-, contact-, contacts - directory -01-, contacts - directory -02-, contacts - directory -03-, contact-wf-, copy-, copy-wf-, cut the cord-, cut-, cut-wf-, decrease indent-wf-, delete-01-wf-, delete-02-wf-, delve-, devices-, device-wf-, disc-, dislike-wf-, document download-wf-, document upload-wf-, document01-wf-, document-download-, documents02-wf-, documents-, document-upload-, document-wf-, download - 01-, download - 02-, download-01-wf-, download-02-wf-, download-, down-wf-, edit-01-wf-, edit-02-wf-, edit-, empty archive-wf-, excel online-, expand-wf-, favorites-, favouite-wf-, favourite-wf-, file-format-pdf-, files-, finance-, find-, flag-01-, flag01-wf-, flag-02-, flag02-wf-, flag-03-, flag-04-, flash off-wf-, flash on-wf-, flash-drive-, flashdrive-wf-, flash-off-, flash-on-, folder-01-wf-, folder-02-wf-, font color-, food and amp; drink-, forward-01-wf-, forward-02-wf-, forward-1-wf-, game-, globe-, globe-wf-, gps off-wf-, gps on-wf-, gps-, gps-off-, gps-on-, gps-settings-, gps-wf-, groove music-wf-, group chat-wf-, hard drive-wf-, hard-drive-, headphone-01-, headphone-02-, headphone-wf-, heart-, heart-wf-, help-, history-wf-, home-, home-wf-, hotline-, icons-wf-, idea-wf-, images-, in-, inbox-wf-, increase indent-wf-, information-wf-, in-wf-, italic-, justify-wf-, key-, keyboard-, key-wf-, left-arrow-, like-wf-, link-wf-, location pin-wf-, location-01-wf-, location-02-wf-, lock open-wf-, lock-, lock-wf-, logout-, logout-wf-, mail box-wf-, mail-01-, mail-02-, mail-03-, mail-, mailbox-, map-, map-location-, maps -01-, maps -02-, maps -03-, maps -04-, maps-, mark as unread_1-wf-, mark as unread-wf-, maximize-wf-, media connect-wf-, media fast backward-wf-, media fast forward-wf-, media-fast-forward-, media-pause-, media-play-, media-player-, media-rewind-, media-wf-, menu-01-wf-, menu-02-wf-, message-01-wf-, message-02-wf-, message-, message-information-, messages-01-wf-, messages-02-wf-, messages-, messaging-, microsoft edge-, microsoft video-, minus-, minus-wf-, money-, moon-, moon-wf-, mouse-wf-, move-wf-, movie-, movie-tv-, msg sent-wf-, negative-, network_01-wf-, network-wf-, new mail-wf-, new-, news-01-, news-02-, newspaper-wf-, next-01-wf-, next-02-wf-, next-, nfc-01-wf-, nfc-02-wf-, no reminder-wf-, node-, node-wf-, note-01-, note-02-, note-03-, notification-, numbering-wf-, onenote online-, open folder-wf-, open message-wf-, open-, out-, out-wf-, paste-, pause-wf-, people-, phone-book-, picture-, pictures-wf-, pin-wf-, play-wf-, plus-wf-, positive-, power-, power-button-, powerpoint online-, power-wf-, preview-, previous-, previous-wf-, print layout-wf-, printer-, printer-wf-, print-wf-, properties-, properties-wf-, qr-code-, radio-wf-, read mode-wf-, reading list-wf-, recycle-bin-, redo-01-wf-, redo-02-wf-, register by device-, reload-, reminder - add-, reminder - delete-, reminder - ok-, reminder - remove-, reminder -01-, reminder -02-, reminder ok-wf-, reminder-2-wf-, reminder-ring-wf-, remove reminder-wf-, rename-, reply all-wf-, reply-wf-, rotate-, rotation lock-wf-, save-, save-wf-, search - add-, search - remove-, search_1-wf-, search-, search-add-wf-, search-remove-wf-, selfie-01-wf-, selfie-02-wf-, selfie-03-wf-, selfie-04-wf-, selfie-05-wf-, selfie-06-wf-, selfie-07-wf-, selfie-08-wf-, selfie-09-wf-, selfie-10-wf-, selfie-11-wf-, selfie-12-wf-, selfie-13-wf-, selfie-14-wf-, selfie-15-wf-, send-, set flag-wf-, setting_1-wf-, setting_2-wf-, settings - 01-, settings - 02-, settings - 03-, settings - 04-, settings - 05-, settings - 06-, settings - 07-, settings - 08-, settings - 09-, settings - 10-, settings - 11-, settings - 12-, settings - 13-, settings-01-, settings01-wf-, settings-02-, settings02-wf-, settings-wf-, share-01-, share-01-wf-, share-02-, share-02-wf-, share-03-, share-04-, share-05-, shopping-bag-, signal-bars 1-, signal-bars-, sites-, sky-dive-, slide show-wf-, sms-, speaker-volume-, speaker-wf-, spiral-, sports-, stock-index up-, stock-index-down-, stop-, stop-wf-, store-, strike through-wf-, swap-down-, swap-left-, swap-right-, swap-up-, sway-, synchronization-wf-, synchronize-, table-of-contents-, tablet mode-wf-, tag-, tag-wf-, text highlight color-, text-document-, thunder-wf-, timer-wf-, time-wf-, trophy-, underline-, undo-wf-, upload-, upload-wf-, user-profile-, vibrate-01-, vibrate-02-, video chat-wf-, video-, video-camera-, videocam-wf-, voicemail-, voice-search-, volume-, volume-wf-, vpn-wf-, warning-message-, warning-wf-, weather station-01-wf-, weather station-02-wf-, weather-01-, weather-02-, wifi-01-, wifi-02-, wifi-wf-, word online-, zoom-, zoom-in-, zoom-out-, zoom-wf-,